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How to avoid plagiarism in your work

Plagiarism in a work occurs when you copy the work of any other person and present it as your own. You may do this deliberately or unintentionally. As such, if you copied the work of some other students, book, online resources or an article.
Copying someone else work is illegal and cheating. By stealing the work of another person and expressing it as your own work, you can lose the respect from others as well as the integrity. It will be unfair to the students or other researchers who have worked on it putting all the efforts to express produce their original work and express their own ideas.
Any piece of work you are going to submit to your tutor or instructor must be your own independent work.  It is important when you are working in groups.

Plagiarism could be copied from the web, textbook and other work without citation. Moreover, copying from the work of some other students, it can be homework or assignment. Nowadays there are many plagiarism detection software that is being used by many universities, colleges to check the originality of the work.
Teachers or instructors are supposed to use these software’s to identify the plagiarism in the work of students. If you are found guilty of plagiarism, you may lose your marks or it might also possible that your degree or admission can be cancelled. You could incur many penalties.
It is so easy to search on a google and copy, paste some of your projects and assignments, and present it as your own. Students thinks that they will not be noticed for their wrongdoings and they use to present the copy paste material to the teachers. It is not now difficult for the teachers to check the originality for the assignment of projects.

You should not submit the plagiarized work. You can read the material from different websites, journal articles, books, texts, etc., but it does not mean that you have to write the same text in your assignments and projects. You should rephrase the text after reading and understanding the concept. Try to write it in your own words, it will not only help to avoid plagiarism but also improve your writing skills.
Moreover, you should appropriately plan your time for writing an assignment so that you have enough time to complete assignment on your own. Many students provide plagiarised work because they do not have enough time to complete the assignment and they used to write one day before the submission date. Therefore, time management is very necessary for the students to avoid these types of mistakes because it can harm your whole life.
You should use the situation when you are taking the work of any other researcher or author. Express their work in your own wording and then cite and reference them. Always remember to reference the words, ideas and opinion taken from the newspaper, journal, conference paper, report, websites, blog, email or anywhere else.  If you are using someone else words as it is, then always remember to enclose in quotation marks.

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